


High concentrations and high toxic of wastewater
Waste emulsion treatment
Salt recovery pretreatment
New rural sewage
The laboratory of Checoa


High concentrations and high toxic of wastewater mainly from petrochemical, fine chemical, pharmaceutical and other industries usually has a high concentration, big toxicity, but poor biochemical characteristics.

【Handling Difficulties

1.Pharmaceutical and pesticide wastewater often contains bacteriostatic components, which limit the application of biochemical process in this kind of wastewater;

  2.In the high concentration wastewater, not only the organic matter concentration is high, the composition is complex, the treatment process is long and the system operation and maintenance is difficult.

【CHECOA's  Solution】

Firstly, special advanced oxidation technology is used to decompose toxic and refractory substances in wastewater and improve the biodegradability of wastewater; secondly, high-efficiency anaerobic technology is used to remove most of CODCr, and anaerobic  effluent will be delivered to aerobic unit to further reduce the concentration of CODCr to reach the discharge standard.

improved biodegradability

         of wastewater

No secondary pollution

Small system footprint

High degree of automation

Adaptability to high concentration wastewater

Effectively eliminate sludge loss

High processing efficiency

High biogas collection efficiency

Investment province

Checoa's Technical Advantages

Advanced oxidation technolog

Targeted removal of toxic substances and refractory organics in wastewater, andimprovement of wastewater B / C from low to 0 to above 0.3.

There is no secondary pollution such as pollution and odor in the reaction process.

The equipment occupies a small area and the integrated skid structure is easy to install.

The system runs automatically and can realize remote control.

It is especially suitable for high concentration wastewater treatment in pharmaceutical, pesticide and petrochemical industries.

The core part of the reactor, a special three-phase separator, can effectively intercept the non granulated flocculent anaerobic sludge and prevent sludge loss.

Effective sludge interception ensures the sludge concentration in the system, thus ensuring the treatment efficiency.

Gas water separation effect is good.

High equipment load, small land occupation, simple installation and low investment cost.

Tssb anaerobic reactor

Characteristics of waste emulsion

Waste emulsion comes from industries such as machining, metal surface treatment, etc., with very high CODcr concentration (often higher than 100000 mg / L), oil and water form a very stable homogeneous system under the action of surfactant and poor biodegradability, which is defined as hazardous waste by the national hazardous waste management and control center “No. HW09”.


Under the action of surfactant, the homogeneous system of oil and water is very stable and difficult to demulsify;

First generation technology

Demulsification by electrolytes (acid and lime), a large amount of sludge and a low removal rate;

Second generation technology

Ultrafiltration or evaporation concentration, high cost, it is more difficult to dispose of the generated thick liquid and cleaning liquid; The remaining pollutants after demulsification are dissolved long chain hydrocarbons, which have poor biodegradability.

Checoa’s solution

Through the operation of hazardous waste center for several years, on the basis of fully understanding the composition of emulsion.

Checoa has developed the third and fourth generation emulsion treatment technologies:

Third generation technology

The CODcr of emulsion can be degraded from 100000 mg / L to less than 20000 mg / L in one step by pretreatment, which only consumes a few chemicals and produces a little sludge;

Fourth generation technology

The CODcr of emulsion can be degraded from 100000 mg / L to less than 10000 mg / L by pretreatment.

After high efficient demulsification, CODcr will be reduced from about 100000 to 20000, and then the pollution index will be degraded to the nanotubes by the appropriate biochemical treatment process.

Finally, advanced treatment process can be used to further reduce the concentration of pollutants in the wastewater to meet the reuse requirements.


PH adjustment, material cleaning and etc  in chemical production


The content of salt in high salt wastewater is high (most of them are more than 10%), so it is necessary to use evaporation system to remove inorganic salt. However, the content of organic matter in high salt wastewater is also high. In the process of evaporation, some macromolecular organic matter will form tar like substance, reduce evaporation efficiency, increase energy consumption, and produce a large number of mother liquor, which needs to be treated as hazardous waste.

Checoa’s Solution

1.Uv-aop technology is used to break the macromolecular organics in high salt wastewater into micromolecular organics and remove part of CODCr, so as to fundamentally solve the problem of Evaporation Coking and greatly improve the evaporation efficiency;

2.With the development of uv-aop oxidation, macromolecular organics are transformed into micromolecular organics. In the evaporation process, most of the small molecular organics enter into the evaporation condensate, so the content of impurities remaining in the evaporated salt is very low, which can meet the requirements of salt recovery.

Before pretreatment
After pretreatment

Partial Performance

1.Mengzibang village, Jinxi town, phase I, phase II and phase III;

2.Jinxi Town, Kong Gang village, phase I and II;

3. Xinqiao village, Zhenhu, Suzhou New Area;

4.  Suzhou New District Town Lake Street relocation area;  

5.  Haimen cultivation village, Nantong;

6.  Nantong Shengshi FRP plant;

7.  Nanjing University of Technology;  

8.  Jinhuangpin food in anweifuhu Economic Development Zone;

9.  Yadong industry (Suzhou) Co., Ltd;

10. Xi'an IKEA sewage treatment equipment.


With the deepening development of the  new rural policy, the situation of rural sewage flowing into the surface runoff  along with the rain wash should be changed without centralized collection and   treatment facilities.


Due to the vast rural areas and scattered villages, there are constraints on the economy and feasibility of sewage collection through large-scale pipe network.Therefore, decentralized treatment, that is sewage collection by area and using small and

medium-sized processing equipment, is more suitable for rural domestic sewage treatment.

The types of rural sewage are complex, including domestic sewage, township enterprise production sewage, livestock and poultry

industry sewage, which puts forward new requirements for sewage treatment process.

Due to the limitation of management level and economic level, the requirements of simple operation and maintenance, moderate price and short construction period are put forward.

Checoa’s Solution

The domestic sewage treatment system is designed in modularity, and the treatment unit with low maintenance demand and high

degree of self-control is selected; the one-to-one non-standard design is carried out according to the characteristics of water

quality and water quantity of users, so as to meet the requirements of effluent water quality, land occupation, construction period,

etc.In addition to rural sewage treatment,the system can also be used in the fields of industrial sewage,domestic sewage and    livestock wastewater treatment.

Checoa’s Technical Advantages

1.Modular equipment, convenient transportation and installation;

2.The shape of the integrated equipment is designed according to the transportation truck, which  is   convenient for  hoisting

 and transportation;

3.High integration, compact equipment and small  volume;

4.Highly integrated and space  efficient. The site only needs to connect the inlet and outlet water and   utility pipeline;

5.Low power consumption, low noise;

6.Do not use air blower or frequency conversion  bottom noise centrifugal blower to reduce energy  consumption and noise;

7. Stable  operation and easy maintenance;

8.Less consumable equipment and long overhaul  cycle can maintain long-term stable operation.

In order to realize the  company's technology upgrading and R & D, and provide more effective  wastewater solutions for  customers, the laboratory of Checoa focuses on harmless,   resource-based,etc. treatment technologies of high  concentration, high toxicity, refractory organic wastewater and hazardous waste  HW09, develops and  designs advanced oxidation (AOP)  technology   provideing scientific and technological support for the pollution control and   treatment of organic waste water.

At present, the laboratory can   detect the main pollution indicators, CODCr, BODn, pH, conductivity, total  dissolved solid (TDS),

ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), total nitrogen (TN), total   phosphorus (TP), phosphate, etc.; and can carry out the following kinds of wastewater treatment pilot tests:

Physicochemical Process

1. Demulsification test

2. Coagulation and flocculation


3.Fenton test

4.Uv-aop test

5.Evaporation test


Biochemical Process

1. Anaerobic test   

2.Hydrolysis acidification test

3.Aeration aerobic test

4. A / O process test


Address: Room 101,Building1,No.8 Jiannian Road,shanghai,China